
Office: Dan Kahn 309
email: mermz@technion.ac.il
Website: https://meeng.technion.ac.il/members/miriam-zacksenhouse/

Assoc. Prof. Reuven Katz

Mr. Benjamin Israel-Kaplan
MSc (2022)
Real Time Analysis and Classification of Error Related Potentials from a Steady State Evoked Potentials based Brain Computer Interface
Currently: Zahal
Ms. Sigal Gottlieb
MSc (2018)
Electro-encephalographic responses during a motor task with healthy subjects and stroke patients
Currently: Project Manager at Matrix Medika.
MSc (2017)
Intermittent strategies for human motor control: sensitivity to model’s uncertainties
Currently: Founder & CEO, Obvislim.
Mr. Fares Marjieh
MSc (2016)
Main supervisor: Prof. Reuven Katz.
Hand rehabilitation robot based on impedance control
Currently: Control Engineer, Applied Materials.
MSc (2015)
Main supervisor: Prof. Hillel Pratt (Biomedical Eng.).
EEG based markers for motor learning
Currently: Lead service integrator, GE Healthcare.
Mr. Nir Even-Chen,
MSc (2014)
Analyzing EEG data with information theoretic approaches to investigate top-down and bottom up mechanisms
Main supervisor: Prof. Ron Meir (EE).
Currently: Neuro-engineer at Neuralink, CA,USA (following PhD at Shenoy’s Lab, Stanford).